About Tolan Tiga

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SIPEF Medan Head Office 1969

PT Tolan Tiga Indonesia was established within the framework of the Foreign Capital Investment Loan No. 1 1967, based upon the notarial deed No. 40 dated 7 September 1961 of Professor Meester Raden Soedja, public notary in Jakarta. The deed of establishment was approved by the Minister of Justice in his decision letter No. J.A. 5/98/22 dated 21 September 1961, and was published in the State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia No. 97 dated 5 December 1961, Supplement No. 650.intro 

The company was further established to be a management company for the SIPEF group, Jabelmalux group, Agro Muko and Musi Rawas group activities in Indonesia, and manages about 100.000 hectares of oil palm plantations and rubber in Sumatra.

The SIPEF Indonesian operations are arranged across four provinces.

Who we are

14 June 1919 SIPEF, the mother Company was created, with its stated objective of promoting and managing plantation companies in overseas tropical areas.

The Company’s head office was established in Antwerp (Belgium), was fairly quickly listed on the stock exchange and started with two sites in Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) and Medan (Indonesia).

The acquisition of three plantations in Indonesia: Tolan Satoe, Tolan Dua and Tolan Tiga soon followed. Initially, SIPEF focused primarily on the production of rubber.

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Organisation & locations

The Head Office Medan is the centre of activity of PT Tolan Tiga Indonesia, and is located in Gedung Forum Nine Lt. 10, Jalan Imam Bonjol No. 9, North Sumatra.  The office manages and controls administration through 12 departments in Medan, and three regional management offices located in North Sumatra, Bengkulu and Musi Rawas. The company manages 30 oil palm estates, two rubber estates, one tea estate, six crude palm oil factories, two rubber factories and one tea factory. More than 15 000 people are employed by these companies.


Sustainable production is including Plasma areas


Creating long-term development and employment, and contributing to bring positive change to the lives of the employees, their families and in addition to the local communities remains one of the key targets of PT Tolan Tiga Indonesia.

SIPEF - The connection to the world of sustainable tropical agriculture